Thursday, November 28, 2024

From Emotional Incontinence Of Marc Andreessen To American Reinvention Of Jordan Peterson

Convergence of ideas expressed on Joe Rogan and Greg Gutfeld shows allows for a very positive view on what's ahead in our new world post 2024 election in the pursuits of MAGA. Image Credit: Edmund Jenks via screengrab (2024)

From Emotional Incontinence Of Marc Andreessen To American Reinvention Of Jordan Peterson

Thanksgiving Day began with a deep dive into a Joe Rogan Experience interview with Marc Andreessen, Co-founder of Netscape; and co-founder and general partner of Silicon Valley venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz -  that at one point brought forward an episode in Marc's experience in tangling with the nation of India that then brought forward a memory of a statement said by Canadian clinical psychologist, author, and political commentator Jordan Peterson  about American culture resiliency. 

As Posted On FB/META >>>

WELL ... worth the time - best phrase? "Emotional Incontinence" - as a way to explain how some folks address being on social media.

At one moment around 40 minutes in, Andreessen comments on how he is restricted from commenting on "Twitter" because of a storm he was involved in with the country of India. Marc mentioned that other societies hold on to history and have it be a part of their fabric whereas American's can be best as seeing history as being in the past. 

Joe Rogan Experience #2234 - Marc Andreessen

This reminded us of something that Jordan Peterson said on Guttfeld one evening about 7 days ago (paraphrased) - American's have a tremendous way of reinventing themselves. At one moment they appear to be destroying themselves ... going down a rabbit hole of certain destruction and then they bounce back even better than before.

Jordan Petersen - Gutfeld 11-21-2024

Post Election 2024 is bringing forward incredible levels of reflection and truth in observation and experience. 

We, at MAXINE, are feeling great about prospects for the future and the possible dismantling of the 30+ year growth in our American Administrative State in an effort to reduce the levels of corruption and to have a government, based on the contract found in the Constitution, Of, By, & For the people who are taxed to fund it's functioning. 

PS: Marc Andreessen - at about 1:33.00 - Independent Federal Agencies (de-banking - politically exposed person - "PEP")

Later in the Marc Andreessen interview talks to the issue of remote working from home and "Mouse-Wrigglers" to see is someone is just logged on but not really working.

Again - we, at MAXINE.

TAGS: Joe Rogan Experience, Gutfeld, Fox News, YouTube, PEP, Politically Exposed Person, De-Banking, Emotional Incontinence, Reinvention, Marc Andreessen, Jordan Peterson, MAXINE

Friday, September 13, 2024

"In Springfield: They're Eating The Dogs - They're Eating The Cats"

Inventiveness is always in the eye of the beholder. Here is a remade Dr. Seuss book cover graphic featuring stylized Trumpian hair posted at a Left-Wing group timeline that captures the moment. Image Credit: The Other 98% via FB/META (2024)

"In Springfield: They're Eating The Dogs - They're Eating The Cats" 

During the second POTUS debate, first with unelected nominee for the Democrat Political Party current 46th Administration's Vice President Kamala Harris, former President Donald J. Trump made some statements about immigration/migration/asylum policy of the HARRIS * BIDEN Administration centered on what has been reported out of Springfield, Ohio.

The statement went viral since it had a musical pentameter that originally matched up with the piano musical introduction from the cartoon Peanuts.

Soon, thereafter, the social media internet was simply filled with memes depicting humorous renditions based upon the theme, They're Eating The Dogs - They're Eating The Cats showing off the inventiveness of American culture humor, and the control freaks in our nation just can not stop it! So much fun.

One of the best creative musical manipulation examples was produced by a contributor that first showed their creative output on Facebook/META, The Kiffness.

Here is a catchy reggae music tinged version of this portion of the debate that we will title - "In Springfield: They're Eating The Dogs - They're Eating The Cats" - simply unforgettable.

To be honest, we, at MAXINE, wouldn't be surprised that this musical rendition rapidly becomes repurposed as a ringtone of the MAGA Movement - it is just that good & catchy.

TAGS: The Kiffness, MAGA, Ringtone, reggae music, Peanuts Theme, TRUMP, HARRIS, ABC News Debate, MAXINE

President Trump Gives Virtual Remarks In ZOOM Call To World Economic Forum

Tour de Force ... President Trump Gives Virtual Remarks In ZOOM Call To World Economic Forum TAGS Davos, Free Speech, #DJT47, World Eco...