Friday, September 13, 2024

"In Springfield: They're Eating The Dogs - They're Eating The Cats"

Inventiveness is always in the eye of the beholder. Here is a remade Dr. Seuss book cover graphic featuring stylized Trumpian hair posted at a Left-Wing group timeline that captures the moment. Image Credit: The Other 98% via FB/META (2024)

"In Springfield: They're Eating The Dogs - They're Eating The Cats" 

During the second POTUS debate, first with unelected nominee for the Democrat Political Party current 46th Administration's Vice President Kamala Harris, former President Donald J. Trump made some statements about immigration/migration/asylum policy of the HARRIS * BIDEN Administration centered on what has been reported out of Springfield, Ohio.

The statement went viral since it had a musical pentameter that originally matched up with the piano musical introduction from the cartoon Peanuts.

Soon, thereafter, the social media internet was simply filled with memes depicting humorous renditions based upon the theme, They're Eating The Dogs - They're Eating The Cats showing off the inventiveness of American culture humor, and the control freaks in our nation just can not stop it! So much fun.

One of the best creative musical manipulation examples was produced by a contributor that first showed their creative output on Facebook/META, The Kiffness.

Here is a catchy reggae music tinged version of this portion of the debate that we will title - "In Springfield: They're Eating The Dogs - They're Eating The Cats" - simply unforgettable.

CLICK Image To Launch FB/META Video

To be honest, we, at MAXINE, wouldn't be surprised that this musical rendition rapidly becomes repurposed as a ringtone of the MAGA Movement - it is just that good & catchy.

TAGS: The Kiffness, MAGA, Ringtone, reggae music, Peanuts Theme, TRUMP, HARRIS, ABC News Debate, MAXINE

Saturday, May 07, 2022

Two-Thousand #MULES

What's in a name of a crime that sets it apart from other crimes? How about crimes of Trafficking - what do they mean? Items moved, for and of, power and profit ... money! We have Human Trafficking that is being promoted by the Democrat Political Party in concert with the Mexican Crime Cartels. This same Democrat Political Party committed Ballot Trafficking in order to steal a national level election. Both involve crimes spelled out in the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO).

Two-Thousand #MULES

Elections Have Consequences - Stolen Elections Have Catastrophic Consequences

2000 Mules proves that where the use of mail-in ballots and private sector (not Government sector as required by law) provided drop boxes is a 100% process for voter fraud. 

The analysis shown in 2000 Mules proves Ballot Trafficking occurred JUCING the election through a felonious act and each and every ballot stuffed into a box in this way is as if Lance Armstrong, who won the Tour de France 7 times through DOPING did so illegally - the remedy, Lance was stripped of all titles.

Ballot Trafficking Mule - #MULES #MULES #MULES

2000 MULES available through LOCALS >>>

The only remedy is to decertify all of the Electoral delegates that were placed there for the Biden/Harris ticket and recertify for Trump/Pence before our country is placed into war with Russia.

2000 MULES

... notes from The EDJE

Friday, November 19, 2021

Sure - A 55 Year Response To An Emergency Use Experimental Biological Agent Seems Above Board

Sure - A 55 Year Response To An Emergency Use Experimental Biological Agent Seems Above Board

In a society where the government is set upon a structure where, in the ideal, it operates from the premise on Of, By, and For the People, asking and receiving information about its processes in a timely manner allows the people to operate from a basis of knowledge.

However, this government, many have come to refer to as the DEEP STATE seems happy to operate as if the Constitution upon which this country is founded never existed ... especially in this opportunistic and corrupt age of the Wuhan Red Death pandemic known through the moniker COVID-19.

Now - that after nearly two years since the first broad incidences of illness, kept a secret, in China, and one-year after the development and Emergency Use approval by the Federal Drug Agency (FDA) on biological agents being given the name Vaccine - people wish to know just what these agents are made of. 

This becomes even more important since these agents are not fully approved as Vaccines by the FDA so the Pharmaceutical companies are not legally libel if these agents cause unintended consequences through their use ... or forced government mandates recommended by the CDC in concert with the FDA.

In terms of foot dragging by the FDA ... follow the corruption found in the out of control DEEP STATE aided through the Left-Wing Media Complex as the political leadership of the Uni-Party led by the whole of the Democrat Political Party with back benching Establishment Republicans.

This excerpted and edited from Reuters -

Wait what? FDA wants 55 years to process FOIA request over vaccine data
By Jenna Greene - November 18, 2021 - 1:31 PM PST

 Freedom of Information Act requests are rarely speedy, but when a group of scientists asked the federal government to share the data it relied upon in licensing Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine, the response went beyond typical bureaucratic foot-dragging.

As in 55 years beyond.

That’s how long the Food & Drug Administration in court papers this week proposes it should be given to review and release the trove of vaccine-related documents responsive to the request. If a federal judge in Texas agrees, plaintiffs Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency can expect to see the full record in 2076.

The 1967 FOIA law requires federal agencies to respond to information requests within 20 business days. However, the time it takes to actually get the documents “will vary depending on the complexity of the request and any backlog of requests already pending at the agency,” according to the government’s central FOIA website.

Justice Department lawyers representing the FDA note in court papers that the plaintiffs are seeking a huge amount of vaccine-related material – about 329,000 pages.

The plaintiffs, a group of more than 30 professors and scientists from universities including Yale, Harvard, UCLA and Brown, filed suit in September in U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas, seeking expedited access to the records. They say that releasing the information could help reassure vaccine skeptics that the shot is indeed “safe and effective and, thus, increase confidence in the Pfizer vaccine.”

But the FDA can’t simply turn the documents over wholesale. The records must be reviewed to redact “confidential business and trade secret information of Pfizer or BioNTech and personal privacy information of patients who participated in clinical trials,” wrote DOJ lawyers in a joint status report filed Monday.

The FDA proposes releasing 500 pages per month on a rolling basis, noting that the branch that would handle the review has only 10 employees and is currently processing about 400 other FOIA requests.

“By processing and making interim responses based on 500-page increments, FDA will be able to provide more pages to more requesters, thus avoiding a system where a few large requests monopolize finite processing resources and where fewer requesters’ requests are being fulfilled,” DOJ lawyers wrote, pointing to other court decisions where the 500-page-per-month schedule was upheld.

Civil division trial lawyer Courtney Enlow referred my request for further comment to the DOJ public affairs office, which did not respond.

Plaintiffs' lawyers argue that their request should be top priority, and that the FDA should release all the material no later than March 3, 2022.

“This 108-day period is the same amount of time it took the FDA to review the responsive documents for the far more intricate task of licensing Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine,” wrote Aaron Siri of Siri & Glimstad in New York and John Howie of Howie Law in Dallas in court papers.

“The entire purpose of the FOIA is to assure government transparency,” they continued. “It is difficult to imagine a greater need for transparency than immediate disclosure of the documents relied upon by the FDA to license a product that is now being mandated to over 100 million Americans under penalty of losing their careers, their income, their military service status, and far worse.”

They also argue that Title 21, subchapter F of the FDA’s own regulations stipulates that the agency “is to make ‘immediately available’ all documents underlying licensure of a vaccine."

Given the intense public interest in the vaccine, the plaintiffs' lawyers say that the FDA “should have been preparing to release (the data) simultaneously with the licensure. Instead, it has done the opposite.”

Siri declined comment.

To meet the plaintiffs’ proposed FOIA deadline, the FDA would have to process a daunting 80,000 pages a month. But the plaintiffs note that the FDA has 18,000 employees and a budget of $6 billion and “has itself said that there is nothing more important than the licensure of this vaccine and being transparent about this vaccine.”

To be sure, most people -- including many who sanctimoniously proclaim “I do my own research” -- lack the expertise to evaluate the information.

But the plaintiffs, who also include overseas professors from the UK, Germany, Denmark, Australia and Canada, appear to be well-positioned to do so.

As Siri and Howe argue, “Reviewing this information will settle the ongoing public debate regarding the adequacy of the FDA’s review process.”

U.S. District Judge Mark Pittman has set a scheduling conference for December 14 in Fort Worth to consider the timeline for processing the documents.

We, at MAXINE, may have been vaccinated, but we choose to self-identify as The Unvaccinated. We understand that we have a lot in common with folks who have been travelling the world over this last year through the implementation of jet travel vaccine passports who are The Unvaccinated but choose to self-identify as ... wait for it ... vaccinated. Samey-o, same-o in attitude.

TAGS: DEEP STATE, FDA, CDC, Federal; Power, Left-Wing Media Complex, FOIA Requests, vaccinated, The Unvaccinated, Transparency, Title 21, subchapter F, MAXINE

Monday, October 11, 2021

Motor Culture Bond Girls Galore On Display In "Bond In Motion" Petersen Museum Exhibit

Title exhibit of the "Bond In Motion" exhibit at the Petersen Automotive Museum's Mullin Grand Salon 1st Floor exhibit space. Image Credit: Edmund Jenks (2021)

Motor Culture Bond Girls Galore On Display In "Bond In Motion" Petersen Museum Exhibit 

This month, the long delayed and anticipated 25th edition of the 007 Bond feature length movie series "No Time To Die" was released to be shown in theaters only opened on Friday, October 8th, 2021. The worldwide opening came to a very successful $330,000,000 box office weekend and marked the end of the Daniel Craig era of the 007 Bond saga.

Billboard displays at the AMC16 in Burbank opening day of the feature presentation in the Dolby Sound enhanced Theater #14 of "No Time To Die." It is recommended that one watch both Casino Royal (2006) and Spectre (2015) before taking in "No Time To Die" so that one's mind is fresh with the storylines that feed this 25th edition of Bond, James Bond. Image Credit: Edmund Jenks (2021)

Just one week in advance of this 25th film in the series was released, the Petersen Automotive Museum opened a new exhibit of the 007 Bond movie franchise titled "Bond In Motion" which features more than 30 cars, motorcycles, boats, submarines, helicopters and even scale filming models of aircraft from an array of both classic and contemporary Bond films. This exhibit represents some of the most memorable and indelible 3D vehicle art that, in their own way, delivered "Bond, James Bond" through motor culture creations (some custom, and some just perfect for the time of Bond) as strong as the story lines themselves.  

007 graphic from the exhibit hall floor. Image Credit: Edmund Jenks (2021)

Bond 007 graphic from the top of the exhibit hall staircase. Image Credit: Edmund Jenks (2021)

This exhibit is impressive on many levels, from the detail of the exhibit descriptions to the general display throughout the environment itself. One of the initial exhibits upon entering the hall that will command one's attention is the Bond defining 007 gun-enhanced graphic (above) placed in a two-story three-dimensional exhibit in the middle of the signature circular staircase that is a defining structural element of the Mullin Grand Salon.

This 1964 Silver Birch Aston Martin appears as the repeat signature motor culture Bond Girl ever since it first appeared in EON Productions' 1964 film Goldfinger. This heart-warming beauty went on to appear in Thunderball (1965), GoldenEye (1995), Tomorrow Never Dies (1997), Casino Royale (2006), Skyfall (2012), Spectre (2015) and No Time To Die (2021). In addition, the vehicle has appeared in the video-games 007 Racing (2000), Agent Under Fire (2001), From Russia with Love (2005), Blood Stone (2010), James Bond: World of Espionage (2015) and the Best of Bond DLC for Forza Horizon 4 (2018).Image Credit: Edmund Jenks (2021) 

As one might guess, an Aston Martin, especially a DB5, is never too far from one's gaze. The very first vehicle happens to be just that - a perfect DB5 in every way as shown in many of the 007 Bond films as a reoccurring friend - even in the last No Time To Die installment.

But enough about the easy hits ... what about the "Nellie" factor? A vehicle title that shows up twice - one is an up armored. assemble on demand, aircraft and the other is a luxury sports car that doubles as a submarine. 


Bond flying Little Nellie in You Only Live Twice - Image Credit:

Little Nellie (Wallis WA-116 Series 1) - Featured in You Only Live Twice (1967). A heavily armed gyrocopter that could be transported in several cases and quickly assembled in the field. Little Nellie, was designed and built by Wing Commander Ken Wallis and flown by him in the film, is one of the most celebrated vehicles in the James Bond series. In the film, James Bond uses the autogyro, supplied by Q Branch, to give reconnaissance of the Japanese landscape to find out where SPECTRE’s rockets might be launching from. A cine-camera fixed to Bond's helmet allowed him to photograph every inch. Image Credit Edmund Jenks (2012)

On the exhibit floor, Little Nellie appears as a graphic in the exhibit description that features a model of a Helicopter used in You Only Live Twice (1967) by SPECTRE to protect their missile/rocket launch site.

SPECTRE security used this Bell Helicopter to chase off James Bond flying Little Nellie. Image Credit: Edmund Jenks (2021)

Exhibit description on a patrol helicopter model used in filming You Only Live Twice (1967). Image Credit: Edmund Jenks (2021)


The Lotus Esprit S1 (or Series 1) is a sports car that was built by Lotus in the United Kingdom between 1976 and 1978. The car gained fame through its appearance in the 1977 film, The Spy Who Loved Me, where it was featured in a long chase sequence on the Italian island of Sardinia; ultimately converting into a submarine. Appearing in the film's tie-in novelization and video game, the Esprit also featured in Storm Bringer (1985), 007 Racing (2000) and the Best of Bond DLC for Forza Horizon 4 (2018).

Q's Wet Nellie as it appears on exhibit with a moving light splashed over the exterior so as to emulate the Lotus Esprit S1 as a submarine under the water. Image Credit: Edmund Jenks (2021)

OTHER "NELLIES" - as nominated

Custom vehicles that could have carried the the moniker Nellie given their unusual nature are scattered throughout the Bond In Motion exhibit. These apparatus tools, given their unique function and special appearances, earn a vote to be nominated Nellies simply because of the fun they bring to their film stories as the original Nellies had delivered..

Two candidates for the tag Nellie come from the movie Diamonds Are Forever (1971) for vehicles designed and/or built by two of the most famous customizers of craft in the film industry.

MOON BUGGY NELLIE - Built by Dean Jefferies

In the exhibit that features motor culture memorabilia from Diamonds Are Forever, the featured exhibit that shows a Honda ATV-90 vehicle that James Bond commanders to escape Willard Whyte's Tectronics Laboratory patrol agents as they try to track him down while he escapes a laboratory in a Moon Buggy.

1971 HONDA ATC-90. Image Credit : Edmund Jenks (2021)

Dean Jefferies crafted Moon Buggy. Image Credit: MGM/EON Productions via The James Bond Dossier (2015)

James Bond (Sean Connery) escapes Tectronics Laboratory located in the desert outside of Las Vegas in an experimental bubble-domed Moon Buggy that was in the laboratory's warehouse. Image Credit: Edmund Jenks (2021)

BATH-O-SUB NELLIE - Built by Barris Kustom Industries 

This unique marine vehicle plays a pivotal role in Diamonds Are Forever where James Bond gets the upper hand against arch-enemy and head of SPECTRE, Ernst Stavro Blofeld.

Nellie candidate Bath-O-Sub with SPECTRE logo on the nose. Image Credit: Edmund Jenks (2021)
Exhibit description of Bath-O-Sub. Image Credit: Edmund Jenks (2021)

Exhibit description of Bath-O-Sub scene with image. Image Credit: Edmund Jenks (2021)

The last nominee for adding the name Nellie to a motor culture "Bond Girl" found inside of the Bond In Motion very special exhibit inside of the Mullin Grand Salon is originally called the Q Boat ... or as listed in the Salon as the Q Jet Boat..


Featured in The World Is Not Enough (1999), PORPOISING NELLIE (Q Boat) was created by Q as a "fishing boat" for his retirement. 

Q Boat as displayed on the floor of the Mullin Grand Salon. Image Credit: Edmund Jenks (2021)

This unique craft came with missiles, torpedos, and a GPS tracking system. It could also submerge (porpoise) although the pilot either needed to have his own breathing apparatus or surface quickly before he drowned. However, this feature wasn't exactly finished when James Bond (Pierce Brosnan) took it for the defining opening action sequence which could account for why the pilot was exposed to the water when using that function.

There are many, many honorable mentions amongst these motor culture Bond Girls that could qualify as being dubbed a Nellie, and one may wish to explore the possibilities at the Petersen Automotive Museum soon.

Maybe, a good time might come just after taking in the latest in the 25 movie series, and Daniel Craig's final episode, No Time To Die in theaters only.



TAGS: Aston Martin, EON Productions, James Bond, Lotus, Petersen Automotive Museum, 007, LITTLE NELLIE, WET NELLIE, Moon Buggy, Bath-O-Sub, Q Boat, Mullin Grand Salon, The EDJE

Thursday, February 25, 2021

"THE MAN SAID SO" Is Democrat Political Party Evolution On Women's Rights Where Women Don't Matter

Facebook Word Plate By Edmund Jenks

"THE MAN SAID SO" Is Democrat Political Party Evolution On Women's Rights Where Women Don't Matter

This is what all of this Woke-ness amounts to for DNA Females in our Democrat Political Party run America. 

If a man says he's a woman, you do not matter - your rights to compete on a level playing field in sports, the workplace given Identity Politics, in being picked for Federal or State Government Office - you do not matter if the man says so.

The PUSH For New "Equal Rights" Legislation

Red Eye Radio - Last night explored this whole issue that has been the Left-Wing agenda pushed too far so as to eliminate the 100+ years of the pursuit of Equal Rights for the Gender/Sex that are known as biological Women.

Red Eye Radio 2/24/21 Part 1 - BEGIN @ 10:00 minutes in:

Transcribed With Phone App. (not perfect)
Look who is marginalized in this whole thing it is Democrats - think about it that is spoken out against us oh yeah and said we can't allow this to continue.

No, stand aside, it's gonna continue and Tiitle 9 is done, that's all.

If you if you are the parent of a daughter, and your daughter wants to play sports, your daughter won't have the same opportunity as before.

I don't know, for the mainstream media probably wouldn't touch it because they know that basically Americans would sit there and say "this is absolutely insane" - but this is what Joe Biden believes this is what the Democrat Leadership ... and remember they did this day one - and notice how whether it was the incoming education secretary or Merrick Garland - none of them will address the actual question - they ignore it because they know they can't win it ... yet they continue to push it.

They can't tell you the truth about what they're doing now.

They won't be blunt and say, "No, we believe boys should play girls sports!" ... What will this mean to girls and Title 9 opportunities? ... "We don't care whether women have opportunities, men believing their women supersedes anything that a woman wants!"

Men always lead, men are the ones that dictate to women, what can they do when men can say we are women and can remove the opportunity for biological women in sports.

What a man thinks, matters - what women think doesn't matter and your daughter just needs to get used to male genitalia! Your daughter needs to get used to male genitalia! That's not what we are saying, that's the Charlotte Observer and it's Editorial Board ... that's couple years ago! [the Charlotte Observer opined] your daughter is a bigot your daughter is evil for not accepting, and wanting, and embracing male genitalia in the Locker Room ... she just needs to get used to it man!

I love this paper's "the world the Left has built" - don't you picture, could you imagine, if that was actually our opinions [on Red Eye Radio] and we promoted it on the show, could you imagine the feedback? Oh my God, if we said that - just reverse it - we're in a Bizarro World, and you and I are on the left, and be the Antimatter world - that we're in the Antimatter world.

Can you imagine of Trump said this at the start - if Trump went through 2016 promoting that but saying it exactly how it would play up?

I believe that men who say they are women have the right over your daughter or a place over them on that thing ... because white men said What Men Say Matters.

Women! When does it matter? ... and your daughters need to get used to male genitalia.


CONTINUES - Red Eye Radio 2/24/21 Part 2 - BEGIN @ 39:20 minutes in:

Transcribed With Phone App. (not perfect)
What describes it really - I think really well - is that you must submit if you're a woman to what the man says ... if the man says "I'm a woman" - you have to submit and you have to submit your chance and opportunity, your chance to compete fairly, your feelings don't matter.

What? You have taken actions that are afforded you under Title 9 - will take a back seat to the protections that are afforded the man and you can ask yourself, well ... how did the man get these protections? Because he said because he said so!

So, any answer to "Why is this is going on?"

Because the man said so - and if you're the woman you must submit to the will of the man even if the man says I am a woman and, therefore, I just don't feel like a woman - feeling like a woman makes me a biological woman - and therefore you must submit to what I believe - and if you don't, you're the bigot - and if you don't become comfortable with my genitalia, you are an intolerant, evil bigot!

This is the common sense legislation that is coming out from the Biden Administration - this is what Joe Biden thinks, and if he didn't think it, it wouldn't be happening.

This is they call Joe Biden, a moderate Democrat, this is what today's moderate Democrat believes - if The Man Said So, you, the woman must abide by what the man says, even if it is not based in any science, or any type of rational critical thinking.

If the man says it, you, the woman, must submit your rights - and regardless of how long the battle to achieve those rights [over 100 years].

To understand ... here the news was celebrated by Connecticut Attorney General William Tong, listen to what he said where told Associated Press "transgender girls are girls and every woman and girl deserves protection against discrimination. He lies, they're not girls ... and it doesn't protect against discrimination - in fact this absolutely discriminates against women and their life - its anti-women in it's massage.

Honestly, it's not based in any type of science. It's based on the philosophy if the what the man says matters what the woman thinks doesn't matter.

Connecticut Attorney General William Tong didn't include the entire sentence we've been saying, Liberals never finish the sentence - if he had finished the sentence, it would be it because you're asking "How do you know they're girls?" ... because The Man Said So - right, the man gets to dictate the sexuality of a woman!

Wow! That's women's rights - this is what we talked on how insane they are.

This is where they wish to go - the insanity continues on this issue to complete and total insanity - not based in any logic - any type of critical thinking any science - any time the Democrats [and Establishment Republicans] tell you that they are the party of science, you can tell them to go jump into the lake.

And so continues the Bizzaro World saga of the Left-Wing, Democrat, Establishment Republican, DEEP STATE of our "Bureaucracy For Life" Federal Governance here during the episode of the 2021 Carter's Second Term known as the Joe Biden 46th Presidency.

We, at MAXINE, say no to The Man Said So solutions to women's rights - there 'ya' go.

TAGS: Red Eye Radio, Gary McNamara, Eric Harley, #JRB46, Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Democrat Political Party, Leadership, Woke, Connecticut Attorney General, William Tong, Bureaucracy For Life, Carter's Second Term, MAXINE

Friday, February 19, 2021

Washington D.C. Opens New Museum - NEWSEUM - REPRISED & UPDATED

NEWSEUM At Night - The museum is set to officially Friday, April 11, 2008. Image Credit: NEWSEUM Pressroom 

Washington D.C. Opens New Museum - NEWSEUM - REPRISED & UPDATED 
Originally Published April 10, 2008 - 8:27am - Edmund Jenks, MAXINE

 The nation’s capitol city, Washington D.C., plays host to a new major museum dedicated to news, news gathering, news print, production and broadcast, news workers and memoriam, and a Newsroom where interviews are broadcast. 

 NEWSEUM – The interactive Museum Of News, is located adjacent to the Smithsonian museums on the National Mall at the intersection of Pennsylvania Avenue and Sixth Street, N.W., Washington, D.C.. 

The official dedication ceremony and opening is scheduled for Friday, April 11, 2008. The Newseum features seven levels of galleries, theaters, retail spaces and visitor services. It offers a unique environment that takes museumgoers behind the scenes to experience how and why news is made.

A $25 million grant from the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation to the Newseum — the largest investment from the news community to the newest museum in the nation's capital — will honor the news legacy of the Knight brothers. The grant gives the Knight name to two broadcast studios and a conference center at the Newseum, the largest single project ever devoted to journalism and the free flow of news. Image Credit: NEWSEUM Pressroom 

This morning, NEWSEUM held one of its first broadcasts of a live news conference from a studio inside the museum. 

The joint news conference began with statements from General David Petraeus and Ambassador Ryan Crocker on the status of conditions in Iraq, followed by questions fielded from the audience (presumably museumgoers and actual reporters) as a final appearance after their debriefing reports delivered to the Senate and Congress over the last couple of days.

5 Freedoms Walkway - Image Credit: NEWSEUM Pressroom

This excerpted from the NEWSEUM website – 

Newseum Blends High-Tech With Historical 

The Newseum — a 250,000-square-foot museum of news — offers visitors an experience that blends five centuries of news history with up-to-the-second technology and hands-on exhibits. ---- 

"Visitors will come away with a better understanding of news and the important role it plays in all of our lives," said Newseum Executive Director and Senior Vice President Joe Urschel. "The new Newseum is educational, inspirational and a whole lot of fun." ---- 

What They're Saying - A look at media coverage of the Newseum 

“Were he alive today, Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan would have appreciated the Newseum, opening April 11 on the last revitalized site along Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest. 

He spearheaded the four-decade-long effort to revive the inaugural parade route with distinguished buildings and open spaces worthy of “America’s Main Street.” The Newseum caps his vision with contemporary architecture far bolder than the last major design completed on the street. … It is sheathed in glass, not masonry, to reveal some of its activity inside and counter the sealed-up monumentality so prevalent in Washington.” 

— Deborah K. Dietsch, The Washington Times “An endless network of corridors and theaters contains a wealth of news materials that are, at least to someone of my generation, a wonderful and moving evocation of the past. … The Newseum is an attic simply packed with fascinating stuff.” 

— Robert Campbell, The Boston Globe “The new incarnation of the Newseum is dazzling, innovative and absorbing, a first-class addition to the capital's cultural institutions.” 

— Howard Kurtz, The Washington Post “From every frenetic corner, the Newseum fairly shouts, ‘News is necessary to a functioning democracy. News is fun, news is cool, news matters.’” 

— Maria Puente, USA Today “Many Washington museums document the nation’s history. ... As it elevates and illuminates the usually gritty, sometimes glamorous work of the press, the Newseum looks set to give its neighbors some competition.” 

— Owen Phillips, Men's Vogue The Newseum is "among the most prominent" museums in the world, "perched on the last buildable site on the presidential inaugural parade route between the Capitol and the White House. And it is one of the most ambitious, both in design and aspiration." 

— Katharine Q. Seelye, The New York Times "At a time when journalists are reeling from scathing rebukes and public skepticism about their profession, the gleaming Newseum is poised to become a welcome reminder of all that's good about the business." 

— Jessica Meyers, American Journalism Review "The importance of the First Amendment is hard to miss at the Newseum: Visitors are greeted with a three-story-high engraving of the amendment's words next to the front entrance. ... The new location has a commanding view of the Capitol." 

— APME Gazette "The Newseum will be particularly exciting because officials expect it will be a place to spot news personalities and newsmakers alike." 

— Elizabeth Brotherton, Roll Call ----

NBC Newsroom - Image Credit: NEWSEUM Pressroom

Conference Center, Broadcast Studios to Be Named in Honor of Knight Brothers WASHINGTON — 

A $25 million grant from the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation to the Newseum — the largest investment from the news community to the newest museum in the nation's capital — will honor the news legacy of the Knight brothers.  

Opening April 11 on Pennsylvania Avenue, the new 250,000-square-foot, interactive museum of news will remind generations of Washington visitors of the importance of the First Amendment, free speech and the role of the media in a free society. 

The grant gives the Knight name to two broadcast studios and a conference center at the Newseum, the largest single project ever devoted to journalism and the free flow of news. ---- 

"The Newseum will immediately become one of the most important platforms for discussion of free speech in America," said Alberto Ibargüen, president of Knight Foundation. "We want to be part of that conversation, we want our journalism grantees to be part of that conversation and we want the values the Knight brothers stood for and defended to be integral to that conversation." ---- 

Once opened, the new museum's two Knight broadcast studios, including the Pennsylvania Avenue Studio overlooking the U.S. Capitol, will be the location of top-flight news programs and civic dialogue on the issues of the day. 

"Millions of Americans travel to the National Mall to learn more how to be an American," said Steiger, editor in chief of ProPublica. "It's fitting for the Fourth Estate to take up residence there." Knight Foundation joins a host of supporters from news and journalism contributing to the Newseum, including the Annenberg Foundation, The New York Times, News Corporation, Cox Enterprises, Hearst Corporation, ABC News, NBC News and Time Warner. ----

KSAS-TV Channel 5 News Heliocopter - Image Credit: NEWSEUM Pressroom 

Addmission Hours 
The Newseum is open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily and is closed on Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s Day. 

2008 General Admission Rates * • Adults (13 to 64): $20 * • Seniors (65 and older): $18 * • Youth (7 to 12): $13 * • Children (6 and younger): Free * • Group discounts are available. School Groups Public and private school students in grades 1–12 in The Washington Post metropolitan market receive free, general admission through March 31, 2009. 

To qualify, schools must make group reservations in advance. The schools must be located in one of the jurisdictions listed below. College and university student groups located in the same areas listed below also receive free admission through March 31, 2009. To qualify, colleges must make group reservations in advance. 

One Question: 
(spawned after a review of the names of supporters contributing to the NEWSEUM) 

Will the New Media spur of the “fourth estate” get its own Wing and Blogging studio? 

 Anytime soon?


NowPublic Awarded

NEWSEUM closes it's doors for good on February 19, 2021 - and in this age of Social Media censoring, dubious "Fact Checking", and account suspension/cancellation along with outright social portal de-platforming from server farms (as what happened with the 1 Billion dollar social media platform PARLER being pulled off of Amazon Web Services server farm - without notice or cause given tenants of Free Speech) supported by America's Fourth Estate - this is good.
Yes, the Newseum’s First Amendment Tablet Is Coming Down. 
No, It’s Not Because Democracy Has Failed.
The 50-ton, 74-foot-tall marble tablet is going into storage, and maybe someday, a new home.

Yesterday, photojournalist Megan Smith tweeted out now-viral images of the tablet being disassembled from the building’s facade. Of course, because this is the internet, some folks decided this was an apt metaphor for the state of today’s media, or a reflection of the Biden administration’s approach toward journalists.
In reality, the tablet is coming down because…the museum is closed and the building has been sold. You can still check it out, though: The display hasn’t been fully taken apart, says a Freedom Forum representative. Once it is fully disassembled, it will go into storage, says the representative, with hopes to find it a home where it can be permanently displayed.

TAGS: Cox Enterprises, Hearst Corporation, Knight Foundation, Blogging, The New York Times, Annenberg Foundation, Time Warner Inc., ABC News, NBC News, New Media, Washington D.C., News Corporation, NEWSEUM, MAXINE

Monday, February 15, 2021

From Pathogen To Profit - A Review Of Legalizing Biological Health Events

It is important to know just how much societies are being manipulated by strong and powerful forces aligning themselves to cash in on extreme profit aided by Government forces that are into this fear and panic, not for profit, but for Control. Group profit and group slavery are tremendous motivators. Image Credit: Elevate (2020)

From Pathogen To Profit - A Review Of Legalizing Biological Health Events

IBM started digitizing Patent Filings in 1999 and filed around 1,000,000 Patents. What has been discovered from 1999 going forward, fully 33.3% of all Patents were forgeries based on changes in language in original filings of Patents on the same subject matter.

Unless one has unlimited resources to invest in legal actions to protect original Patents, that intellectual property will be stolen by any unscrupulous person, business, or Nation-State.

In 2003, everything began to coalesce around Patents starting with SARS - methods for producing recombinant coronavirus - Patent US 7279327.

Through all manner of National & International law, natural occurring biological agents are not subject to a Patent and not legal, further, biological weapons in the forms of any manipulation from chemical to biological variants are illegal.

Patents an "Gain-Of-Function" research and its political support through taxpayer funding raised the first Red flags on this war on Humanity in the pursuits of extreme profit. 

We, at MAXINE, recommend that one SEE this trailer video and make one's own judgements.

Then go to PLANDEMIC INDOCTORNATION found for free at:

TAGS: Mikki Willits, Elevate, Dr, David E. Martin, Plandemic, INDOCTORNATION, Patent US 7279327, SARS, 1999, 2003, Wuhan, COVID-19, illegal, Pathogen, Profit, MAXINE

Sunday, December 27, 2020

CBS Sunday Morning - What I Learned - 2020 Has Highlighted Illusions Of Control


It is rare for any of us to put our beliefs about control to the test. When companies have actually tested whether their advertising works, they often find surprising results, such as eBay’s revelation that the return on its advertising investment might actually be negative. So is it wiser to assume we’re not in control of either our own health or of how customers view us?  That can lead to the opposite error - to be underconfident about what we can control. It is easy to identify tragic missed opportunities that can arise from this belief. Caption Credit: The Berkley Blog - Image Credit: Pinterest (2020)

CBS Sunday Morning - What I Learned - 2020 Has Highlighted Illusions Of Control

Most elevators have some form of a “close door” button. Impatient elevator riders the world over push that button when they want the elevator to get moving. Unbeknownst to them, their button-pushing efforts are useless. The vast majority of building managers and elevator programmers think they know when the doors should close, and have deactivated the button. Pushing the button has no effect, yet people continue to push it. This is just one example of the “illusion of control”: Acting as if we control something that we don’t.
[ht: The Berkley Blog]
Someone needs to tell City, County, State, & Federal leaders that there is no such thing as controlling a virus, no matter where it comes from. The one thing we all know now, in spite of the Mass Media's love of "Panic Porn" is that given any general population of Humanity, the virus from Wuhan China is 99.95+% survivable no matter what others want you to believe.
ENTER life at one's own level of known risk given one's demographic of vulnerability, but do not be tempted to push the elevator "Close Door" button.
We, at MAXINE have this political footnote to impart that is also related to this year of our Lord 2020 - Think Dominion Tabulation Systems and a Republican vote - the vote will be diminished or not be counted.

TAGS: Close Door, Elevators, Button, Dominion, 2020 Election, CBS Sunday Morning, Berkley Blog, Democrat, Republican, Panic Porn, Wuhan Red Death, MAXINE

Friday, August 28, 2020

Democratic Agenda For 2020 & Beyond: Pat Lynch - President NYC Police Benevolent Association

Democratic Agenda For 2020 & Beyond: Pat Lynch - President NYC Police Benevolent Association

Democrats are working toward an intended consequence that amounts to a hijacking of our criminal justice systems that had worked very well at assuring safety for citizens and working families everywhere.

In city after city, the Democrats have passed laws and implemented policies that do not recognize theft, that eliminate cash bail and promises to appear, restrict the powers of policing, and empty our jails. District Attorneys do not prosecute cases at the level they once did to keep criminals in check in an effort to create more put-upon victims so that Democrats have a base of potential voters to groom for their own path to power.

The chaos we have been seeing grow in our communities isn't a side effect, it is the goal. Unchecked illegal immigration, Sanctuary City policies, non-enforcement of vagrancy laws through transference from policing to city staffed social worker agencies (who stay in their air-conditioned offices), COVID-19 mass releasing of guilty known criminals from prisons and jails before their sentences are fully served (when Shelter-At-Home and Masks are required through governmental edict for everyday law abiding citizens), road and street "diets" imposed without a vote from citizens by city bureaucrats which impede and slow the pursuits of happiness and commerce on once major boulevard arteries, all intended to create a less than best practices impaired society Democrat political leaders can run on.

To be clear, Patrick Lynch, President of NYPD’s Police Benevolent Association, stated it best in his presentation during the final day of the Republican National Convention - “Democratic politicians have surrendered our streets and our institutions. I have been a New York City police officer for 36 years…I’ve never seen our streets go this bad so quickly.”

“Unlike the Democrats, who froze in the face of rioting and looting, President Trump matches his words with his actions,” Mr. Lynch said. “He gives law enforcement the support and the tools we need to go out there and put a stop to it - period, end of story.”

We, at MAXINE, wish to get our America and American Culture back where people are safe, have a criminal justice system that works as intended (keeping convicted criminals housed and in check), and operates peacefully under the full rights as guaranteed by God, not decreed by Government, as laid out in our country's founding documents - where people/individuals have more power than Government ... in the end.

As in the final comments made by Patrick Lynch - Joe Biden's, Kamala Harris', and the Democrat Political Party's America Equals "No Safety, No Justice, No Peace!"



TAGS: Patrick Lynch, #MAGA, #DJT45, Republican, Democratic, No Safety, No Justice, No Peace, Joe Biden, 2020, MAXINE

Monday, March 16, 2020

Visualization On How Wuhan Virus Step Aside Works To Contain The Contamination

Image Credit: Juan Delcan and Valentina Izaguirre (2020)
Visualization On How Wuhan Virus Step Aside Works To Contain The Contamination

This piece of video visualization captures what happens when the leadership in our country shuts down travel from Wuhan Virus hot spot countries and begins the process of having Americans of all ages hunker down and express social distancing when we all leave our safe, and warm, non-infected, homes to go out and about.

Artist couple Juan Delcan and Valentina Izaguirre. Image Credit: Juan Delcan and Valentina Izaguirre (2020)

This excerpted and edited from "artnet News" -

The short animated video by the husband-and-wife team of Juan Delcan & Valentina Izaguirre shows a row of matchsticks lined up like dominoes. A first match is ignited, and the flame begins to spread rapidly from one match to the next, spelling certain doom for the entire group—that is until one of the matches comes to life, stepping out of the line and out of range of the fire.

Breaking the chain stopps the blaze, much the way that social distancing will keep more people from catching COVID-19.

“Do your part and stay home,” wrote Juan Delcan on Twitter.

Sharing the piece in a post that has since been liked over 4,000 times and shared over 2,000 times—including by actress Olivia Wilde, who has herself amassed nearly 50,000 likes and over 18,000 Retweets for her post of Safety Match. On Instagram, the 12-second clip has been viewed more than half a million times with upwards of 84,000 likes.
“We knew people were going to watch it, but I don’t think we expected this global response,” said Izaguirre. “We’ve been up since 3 a.m. giving interviews!”

What’s been the most rewarding is the response from young people, she added. “We get messages that say ‘hey, this really helped me understand the situation.'”

The couple, who have been together ten years, met on the set of a commercial. Delcan was the director; Izaguirre, the wardrobe stylist. “We started making art and collaborating basically on day one,” she recalled.

The artists have been making matchstick artworks for about a year, with Izaguirre designing the sets while Declan does the animation in Cinema 4-D.
[Reference Here]

We, at MAXINE, couldn't be more enthralled or informed through this really ingenious use of modern phone technology, animation, and matchsticks.

TAGS: Wuhan, Corona, Chinese, Virus, COVID-19, Wash Hands, Be Calm, Bump Elbows, Tap Shoes, Quarantine, Travel Restrictions, MAXINE

"In Springfield: They're Eating The Dogs - They're Eating The Cats"

Inventiveness is always in the eye of the beholder. Here is a remade Dr. Seuss book cover graphic featuring stylized Trumpian hair posted at...